
so many, many people have sky bar stories, all of them so touching. email us your story to and we will add it here.

“I am a physical therapist. I’m buying these Sky Bars to bribe my 99 year-old patient to walk!” - Steve S.

“Ode to Our Beloved Sky Bar”
Written by Priscilla to commemorate the eating of the last Sky Bars in August 2018
”Skybar, Skybar say it ain’t so
Jim sold your machine so now you must go!
Oh how I loved you - a four-sectioned treat.
Saving the vanilla as the last to eat.
You’re a symbol of childhood - a warm hug from the past
Oh, how I want this final bar to last.
They say that all good things must come to an end
But oh I wish those rules could bend.
For you are the standard of milk chocolate treats
Your four creamy insides cannot be beat.
Vanilla, Caramel, Fudge and Peanut.
Your scored design made it easy to cut
To share with our family and special friends.
But now our time together must come to an end.
Thank you for being part of our lives
We’ll cherish the memories as we take our final bites!”
(line added on December 7, 2019 at the Grand Opening of Louise Mawhinney’s relaunch of the Sky Bar!)
”How delighted I am to be here today,
Sky Bar is back - Hip, hip hooray!”

“My boyfriend used to get these with his dad growing up, and now when I ask him what he wants it’s the only thing he ever really wants!! So I can’t WAIT to hopefully be able to give him some by the holidays!” - Rebecca

“Having grown up in Bangor, Maine I developed a life-long love of Sky Bar. Wherever I moved to throughout my 60+ years I always found a way to acquire them. Even while in Desert Storm back in '91 my mother (living in Maine at the time) would occasionally ship me a dozen or so in a "care package." Now living in Rapid City, South Dakota I'm fortunate to get them at one of those old-time candy stores at the local mall. But today, while picking up a few of the bars, I learned about NECCO's demise! Deeply saddened, I drove home and went straight to Google. Unfortunately it was true. BUT I then read where Duck Soup bought the rights to my favorite bar, rescuing it from obscurity. I'd like to thank you, Louise Mawhinney, for having the good sense...and good taste! save such an iconic American candy.” - Tim

“My father, Oddvar Solstad, was brought on about 1959-1960 to learn what the old chocolate maker did at NECCO and turn it into a repeatable “recipe.” Dad was a consummate scientist- and was meticulous in learning, improving, and advancing his knowledge - he started as Technical Director and ended as VP Research and Development and Technical Services. Dad brought us to the factory on weekends - especially if he had “experiments” he was running in the lab. As a child I remember the Sky Bar production line was fascinating - the shiny Sky Bar molds were mesmerizing, and the Sky Bars coming out of them enchanting.” - Karen

“I wanted to mention a funny thing I've been doing at Christmas time. Since I like Sky Bar so much I would buy a box of 25 or 36, wrap them up and tag the present from Santa to the Boys, meaning me and my 2 boys.  This way I got away with eating them without my wife yelling at me.  My wife certainly couldn't yell at Santa in front of the boys.” - Pete 

“Life can be so hectic and so fast paced with technology that to be able to step back even for a moment to reminisce and remind ourselves that it is ok to be still for a moment and savor all that is around us and as with everyone it is those tastes and smells that bring us back to childhood. Playing with the kids out in the street hitting the baseball, playing tether ball in your yard, your parents hanging out in the front yard talking with the other neighbors, playing on your slip-n-slide with all the neighbor kids… going to the drive-in movies with your family for movie night. The Sky Bar was there during all of it. Each flavor yours to savor.” - Heather

“When Kyle was a little baby, my husband and I were taking care of him one afternoon at our house. He was a little fussy about taking his afternoon nap, so when it was my turn to hold him, I put him on his belly on my lap, rubbed his back and started singing. I sang that boy every song I could remember. I was singing the commercial for Sky Bars when he finally fell asleep. After that we bought him Sky Bars for every Christmas. He’s now a student at Drexel University.” - Denise

“Here’s a coincidence. My father had a marketing agency right here in Sudbury. He designed the Sky Bar Wrapper used in the 1960’s” - Debbie

“My father invented the Sky Bar. He received a stipend for it that was enough to put his kids through college. The family tried to get confirmation from NECCO a while ago that this was true but they said it was “proprietary information.” He used to make all different concoctions and present his inventions to his superiors. He thought, “Why not make four different flavors all in one bar?” He possibly also invented the Bolster Bar. He was Italian and came to Boston in 1919, a hundred years ago. At Easter he made chocolate fondant bunnies at home for his children.” - Dottie, Janine, John

“I remember as a child lying on my back in the grass watching the airplane spelling out “Sky Bar” in the sky! This was when it was first introduced back in 1938.” - Jan

Debbie retired after many years working at NECCO. When she visited us, she couldn’t resist having a turn on the line!!